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San Baby Bear Plaques

The birth of your baby is one of the most cherished and memorable events in your family’s life and a great way to celebrate this occasion is by purchasing a San Baby Bear plaque.

Make a donation
The birth of your baby is one of the most cherished and memorable events in your family’s life and a great way to celebrate this occasion is by purchasing a San Baby Bear plaque.

San Baby Bear plaques are beautifully displayed with your baby’s name and birth date on the San Baby Bear Frieze which is located at the entrance to the Maternity Ward.

While celebrating the birth of your child, your support will help San Foundation continue to provide the best possible care for every patient at the San.

This is your San Baby’s very first gift that goes to helping others.

San Babies have helped San Foundation purchase vital equipment for the Special Care Nursery as well as ultrasound machines for expectant mothers.

Complete the two step order process below or Download and send us your order form.

One San Baby Bear Plaque to honour your 'San Baby' in our Maternity ward is $50. Please add $10 for each Take Home duplicate.

Step 1

Fill out the online from below, then complete step two to make your purchase. 


Step 2

Complete your donation for your plaque/s. 

One San Baby Bear Plaque in our Maternity ward to honour your 'San Baby' is $50. Please add $10 for each take home duplicate.

$50 $60$70 $80$90

