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Support the next generation of San ENT surgeons

We need your help to change the lives of countless patients

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The next generation of surgeons faces a challenging training environment. 

Support the San's ENT simulation centre

Right now, demand for surgeries at the San is high and growing. And cases are more complex than ever. 

It’s an absolute privilege for the San to be a beacon of hope for so many people in need of our renowned services. Thanks to donors like you, more people than ever feel they can place their health - and that of their dearest loved ones - in the care of the San. 

But at the same time, elective surgery lockdowns in the past several years have reduced valuable, hands-on opportunities for the training of surgeons and nurses in the San’s renowned graduate programs. Our fully qualified staff are doing the absolute best they can to meet the demand, but they need more support.

One simple investment - huge positive impacts for the next generation of doctors and nurses

The San’s Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department is one of our busiest surgical departments. Specialists there help children and adults with conditions in the ear, nose, throat, head and neck - operating in parts of the body that are just millimeters away from the brain. Cases are highly complex, and extensive, world-class training and practice are absolutely crucial for the doctors and nurses who run this department. 

Thanks to recent Australian-developed innovations, we have an incredible opportunity to help these world-class specialists get the hands-on experience they need: right now. 

Developed right here in Australia, 3D printed bones allow ENT training surgeons and nurses to perform full operations that mimic - in extraordinary detail - the real operating environment. The ENT department’s simulation centre puts trainees through technical and non-technical scenarios that prepare them to deliver the highest standard of excellence with real patients. 

We’re asking for your help to purchase operative equipment for the simulation centre, as well as 3D printed bones to perform mock surgeries.

Your gift today will support the next generation of doctors and nurses and change the lives of countless patients.
