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AHCL Staff Giving Circle

A dollar or two might seem like small change.
Until you add it together with other peoples’ dollar or two…then it can make a BIG difference!

Staff at Sydney Adventist Hospital are banding together to make a real impact with their donations.

Members of the AHCL Staff Giving Circle make a regular salary sacrifice from their pre-tax pay and are able to nominate and vote on projects to be funded each time the account reaches $20,000. Contributions can be from as little as $1 per week. 

Projects nominated might include equipment, training, staff resources or facility improvement, all with the aim of improving patient care in departments and across the Hospital.

To find out more about the AHCL Staff Giving Circle, contact San Foundation on 9480 9405.

Join Now

Download an AHCL Staff Giving Circle Registration Form below, complete your details and send it to foundation@sah.org.au. Contributions will be managed by AHCL Payroll and are completely confidential.

AHCL Staff Giving Circle Registration Form 
